Many of the scenarios of our lives can be seen as mountain traverses. We go through goals, desires and challenges with effort and hope. Our goal is to reach the summit, despite the distance that separates us, we want to achieve that all the psychic and physical energy invested in reaching the summit is exchanged for gratification.
From the highest peak is that we change our vision of things, literally and metaphorically, when the feeling that prevails is gratitude, towards the context as well as towards oneself, for having achieved what we set out to do. At that moment we are protagonists of a scene that can be disruptive for the rest of our lives, because we are witnesses of the immense power of transformation caused by the phrase that the mind repeats to you: “I made it”.
This time we want to talk to you from mountaineer to mountaineer, even if there are reasons why you still do not define yourself as such. Get ready, in this article we will tell you what it means for Tolhuin Expeditions to climb a mountain, and we hope it will be a push to face those emotions that we all feel, but do not talk about regularly.
If you wish to make an expedition with us and experience the best of Patagonia, you can make a reservation by clicking here.
It all starts with a little fear
If you don’t feel fear before you start, you may want to consider changing your activity. This emotion is an ally, even more so in environments that we do not control. It helps us protect ourselves from risks, and once we get out of harm’s way, that overcoming can push us further out of our comfort zone.
How many times have you wished for something that never became a goal? How many of those desires could have been disruptive experiences? How many times have you passed up opportunities that you thought were not for you? The truth is that in each of these scenarios, behind every opportunity you missed, what is hidden is fear, but this does not have to be a negative thing.
What differentiates people who move forward in spite of fear from those who do not is their view of this emotion. We all feel the same, yet we all react differently to what we feel. It is generally believed that achieving objectives is a linear process, but if the path is uphill, it rarely is.
Humans tend to lead a routine life, we have an adventurous spirit, but as we grow up and settle into society, we are losing that connection with nature. That’s why it will always be a good time to make the decision to take the plunge (perhaps while reading this from a laptop at work). There’s a world out there, full of inhospitable places waiting to be discovered by you.
Transforming fear into courage

There are two types of travel: the one you organize and the one you experience. Although it may not seem like it, from the moment you choose a destination you also start an adventure by researching the best time to go, the number of days you can stay and all the details to take into account.
Although you are in an investigative process, progress is undoubtedly only achieved step by step, you are traveling a path from planning the trip to walking on the paths that will lead you to overcome that personal challenge in front of the mountain. Challenges that are faced with respect and that end up being an experience of personal improvement. For that you need to be filled with courage and without letting go of fear feel how you are able to achieve what seemed impossible while resting in the comfort of your couch.
It is always better to walk in a team

The challenge is personal, but it is very important to be surrounded by people who are on the same wavelength as you and also have a passion for the mountain. By choosing a good team, everyone’s goals can be achieved faster and only in the mountains do you understand the importance of dividing up by roles and specific jobs.
When you go to inhospitable and unpredictable places like Patagonia or Atacama, look for a leader in the group, a person with experience who can guide you and bring out the best in you, so that when you come down from the mountain you will be a completely different person.
An invitation to rediscover ourselves

In Tolhuin Expeditions we understand the satisfaction of overcoming the challenges to reach the top of a mountain because we are also passionate about the mountain and we firmly believe that a thousand stories can be told from the same place.
We have an expert team that can help you fulfill your dream of adventure in South America. Get to know them here .
We believe that travel is a transformative exercise in which we rediscover ourselves and reconnect with nature, because over time you learn that the summit is only part of the journey. What makes it unforgettable is to walk the road and all that you can find.
Probably at the end of life there is no summit, but it is good to imagine that there is. There is probably no end point to endings, but how boring it would all be if there were.
Want to learn more about La Patagonia? Then download our E-Book and discover all that awaits you in this great adventure.